Communicating Climate Change and Scenario Planning

The Central Lane Scenario Planning (CLSP) process will support the exploration of how different land use and transportation policies could change the future of central Lane County. Through development of land use and transportation scenarios, community members, business leaders, elected officials and planners will be able to consider different ways the region could develop and how those different policies might affect public health, equity, and economic vitality, as well as the region’s contributions to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
The Oregon Legislature, in 2009, passed the Jobs and Transportation Act (House Bill 2001). Part of this Act requires the local governments in central Lane County to develop different ways of accommodating forecasted population and job growth while reducing GHG emissions and to cooperatively select a preferred land use and transportation scenario at the end of the process. Because the local governments are not required to implement this preferred scenario, they are focused examining alternate futures to inform future planning efforts and local transportation and land use decisions. The public involvement plan establishes goals for the public involvement program, a schedule and a range of engagement tactics.
Read the public and stakeholder involvement plan
Review a fact sheet about Central Lane Scenario Planning