Recommendations by Issue Area
Transportation and Land Use
- A number of opportunities have been identified to utilize Equity and Opportunity Assessment to inform array of transportation and land use plans, investments, and public participations processes.
- Incorporate EOA data and findings into regional scenario planning for transportation related greenhouse gas emissions.
- Utilize EOA data in multiple regional and citywide planning process including transportation system plans, regional transportation options plans, transit plans, and bicycle and pedestrian plans
- EOA data can also serve a useful resource for corridor transportation plans and specific projects.
- Utilize EOA data to inform development of comprehensive plans.
- Consider using EOA data to develop criteria for prioritization of project funding.
- Identify opportunities for connecting transportation and land use concerns with other community concerns such as economic development and health.
Economic Development, Workforce, and Financial Stability
- Use EOA data to inform economic development, workforce, and financial stability plans, investments, and public participations processes. In particular, EOA can be used to identify linkages between education, workforce development, and economic development.
- Utilize EOA data to draw connections between existing workforce characteristics, training resources, and site planning.
- Use EOA data in the prioritization of brownfield redevelopment opportunities.
- Identify types, locations, and mix of desired businesses and services appropriate for neighborhood business development and recruitment.
- Identify "hot spots" within the community that are eligible for funding programs or could be ripe for private business investment, including brownfields.
Housing, Human Services, and Community Development
- Utilize EOA data to inform a broad array of affordable housing, human services, and community development plans, programs, investments, and public participation strategies.
- Specifically, EOA data will be incorporated into the development of the 2015 Eugene‐Springfield Consolidated Plan and the 2015 Eugene‐Springfield Fair Housing Plan, which guide the use of federal Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership Program funds.
- EOA data could inform Eugene's process for identification of sites for new affordable housing development and other projects, including Eugene's Housing Dispersal Policy and use of CDBG and HOME funds for affordable housing.
- Use EOA data for outreach strategies in enrollment of vulnerable populations in the expansion of health care coverage (Coordinated Care Organizations). This may include siting of services and specific programming.
- EOA data is a tool for helping the community to understand the social determinants of health, while identifying targeted approaches (especially with neighborhood associations and other existing, grassroots organizations) to improve health outcomes.
- Data can be used as an evaluation tool to analyze the costs and benefits of policy and planning activities on health of residents and identify opportunities for connecting with health issues