Equity Considerations
In addition to greenhouse gas reductions, the Central Lane Scenario Planning process is focused on improving equity, economic development and public health in the region. Through a review of demographics in the region and meetings with an Equity Technical Advisory Committee, the Central Lane Scenario Planning project identified methods for integrating equity into each aspect of the scenario planning process.
Scenario Evaluation
As alternative scenarios are evaluated and compared, it is important to consider how potential benefits and impacts are distributed throughout the community. During the evaluation process, the project team will evaluate the following measures across income groups:
- Driving cost as a percentage of household income
- Housing cost
- Changes in physical activity levels
These measures provide a snapshot of how different scenarios affect different economic groups. Equity analysis generally includes race/ethnicity, income and age. The GreenSTEP model that underlies the scenario planning evaluation process does not produce results based on age or race/ethnicity. For this reason, the equity evaluation focuses on how benefits and impacts are distributed among income groups. Policy implementation and public participation, two other aspects of the scenario planning process, will consider race/ethnicity and age.
Scenario Development and Implementation Strategies
Scenarios will be constructed from a range of potential policies and potential implementation actions. Each potential policy includes examples of potential implementation strategies including strategies that could improve equity outcomes in the region or mitigate impacts to communities of concern. These implementation strategies will inform local discussions around implementation actions.
Public and Stakeholder Involvement
The Central Lane Scenario Planning team is committed a public engagement process that:
- Provide opportunities for the proactive engagement of interested people
- Provide access for all community members regardless of ability, age, income or race/ethnicity
- Demonstrate how public input shapes decisions
- Build on information gathered through past or related planning processes
To ensure that traditionally underrepresented community members are included in the scenario planning process, the Central Lane Scenario Planning team will include representatives of service and advocacy organizations in meeting and workshop invitations, meet with service and advocacy organizations individually and provide translation services when requested. The team will also information about transportation needs from recent surveys of low-income housing residents.
Review a detailed memorandum on equity considerations.
Equity and Opportunity Toolkit Module
Public Participation Strategies Toolkit Module